Ballywillan Drama Group is a church based organisation located in Portrush, County Antrim, Northern Ireland. It is part of Holy Trinity Church and is named after the parish of Ballywillan that the Church serves.

In existence since 1952 BDG has for over 60 years, provided the public with a rich mix of pantomimes, plays and musicals. For many years their shows were to be seen in the grand old Portrush Town Hall, where generations of children were entertained by good fairies, evil witches and busty dames.

When the town hall fell into disrepair BDG moved it’s base of operations to Waterworld, Portrush where they spent many happy years – even though they had to literally build an entire theatre there each winter. It was in Waterworld that the first of BDG’s musicals was staged – ‘Oliver!’ in 1996 – and the rest they say, is history.

Waterworld’s ‘dry-side’ was eventually converted into a ten pin bowling alley and BDG found itself on the move again -this time to its present home – the Riverside Theatre where its hugely successful musicals continue.

The main BDG production each year is, of course, their musical in which most time, effort and money is invested. Their second production is a comedy which opens the Summer Theatre Season in Portrush each July.


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