Ballywillan Drama Group


Alan McClarty has been named ‘Best Comedienne’ for his role as Edna Turnblad in Ballywillan Drama Group’s HAIRSPRAY, at the Association of Irish Musical Societies Awards Ceremony in Killarney last Saturday evening. These annual awards see 93 amateur musical theatre groups from all over the island of Ireland compete for prestigious awards in a wide […]

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UPDATE: ALAN McCLARTY WINNER BEST COMEDIENNE AWARD AIMS AWARDS 2015 Ballywillan Drama Group, Portrush are delighted to announce that they have been nominated at the upcoming AIMS Awards at the INEC, Killarney, next month. Their hugely successful production of ‘Hairspray’ ran for 16 performances in the Riverside Theatre during January to 97% capacity audiences. For […]

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